Have you Hit a Wall?
Is your fear taking over?
Your thoughts spinning out of control?
You feel your heart race, but you have nowhere to direct the energy?
Maybe it is your relationship with your family or your partner, or the fact that you don’t have the relationships you want with them – because they just don’t seem to understand your pain.
Maybe it is your job, which no longer feels satisfying but you don’t understand why. Maybe it is the few extra glasses of wine that you know you shouldn’t be drinking, but they help you not face the feelings you aren’t ready to face.
Embrace the Opportunity!
There is no time like the present to face your frustration. Face your fear and tackle it. Work on the challenges you have not wanted to work on because you were too busy; there were too many distractions.
Before, you could run and keep running. The faster you ran, the less you had to feel.
This is the perfect time.
Our therapists understand the fear of facing the hardest, deepest, and most painful thoughts – and then working through them. Our therapists all have experience working with those facing chronic pain and illness so you don’t need to spend time and resources on therapists who just don’t get it.
We look forward to helping you get to the other side – where those thoughts and feelings and secrets don’t carry with them the same kind of pain.
You can’t un-live your life. But you can change the power your past has over your present and your future.
The Future
You can have the life you want.
We’ll set goals and do exercises to achieve them. We will reach your goals and set new goals; and, after a while, you will look back in disbelief at how far you have come.
Maybe the goal will be stopping and feeling for a few minutes a day. Maybe the goal will be less wine at the end of each day. Maybe the goal will be not getting angry at your partner or your kids when you want to scream. Maybe the goal will be sleeping, really sleeping at night.
Our work will be transformative… not always easy, but almost always insightful, powerful, and rewarding.
Let the journey to happiness begin!
You can do this!